10 Easy Dinner Recipes: COVID-19 Stay at Home Cooking

Are you finding yourself cooking at home during the COVID-19 Stay at Home quarantine? Maybe you never really did much cooking in the past and now are trying to figure out how to feed your family 3 times a day. If you are like me, you are worried about money too. I'm a...

Cooking Again

In this new era of COVID-19, restaurant dining rooms are closed and many people are out of work. Everyone around the world should be concerned about how long this will last and how long their savings will last. I predict that in a COVID-19 world, cooking will make a...

Planning Your Herb Garden {INFOGRAPHICS}

This spring, I plan to grow a herb garden. When I lived in my first 2 houses, I grew herbs most summers. Then I moved to a condo and had no place to grow anything. I did have a deck with sunlight, but I know my limits and there was no way that I would have kept...

Getting Back to Cooking and Dog Rescue (plus my New Kitchen Preview)

You probably noticed (or maybe you didn't) that I haven't been writing much here at Future Expat over the last few months. The reason is pretty simple. I sold my condo and bought a new house in December. Between the move and work, I just haven't had the energy to put...

15 Crock Pot Recipes to Get You Through a Kitchen Remodel

If you missed the news, I bought a new house. I moved in the week before Christmas and am already in renovation mode. The first project for the new house is to remodel the kitchen, so the crock pot is going to get a lot of use over the next 6 weeks. During most...

Moving Prep: Using Up the Pantry Food

I normally try to keep a well stocked pantry, but today my pantry is really bare. With only 2 weeks before I move to my new house, I'm in the process of using up as much of the food in the house as I can. I could box up the food and move it to the new house, but I'll...

Chef Survey: What Do They Buy Generic vs Brand Name

Everyone likes to save money, but I've always avoided generic foods at the grocery store. I know that the store brand and generic label food is made by the same manufacturers as the name brand ones, but the difference in cost is normally not enough to get me to buy...

Lessons from My 4000 Mile Road Trip: Meal Tips for Traveling with Dogs

Traveling with your dog can be a lot of fun, but it's important to be prepared for the challenges you will face. While locating dog friendly hotels was the first thing I focused on when I planned my 4,000 mile road trip across 9 states earlier this year, I discovered...

10 Unique Pie Crust Recipes

If you love pies but haven't had a lot of success with homemade pie crusts, you've still got time to try out some new recipes before your holiday guests arrive. I scoured the internet and found 10 recipes that should cover everyone's needs. Whether you...

What IS that Food in the Buzzfeed Jewish Food Video?

For many non-religious Jews like me, our connection to our religion and ancestors is through food. Last week, one of my Jewish Facebook friends shared the new Buzzfeed Jewish Food Taste Test video with me. If you are Jewish, you will think this is really funny. If you...

Convert Your Recipe Failures into Something New

Everyone who likes trying new recipes will occasionally makes something that turns out just ok or even terrible. The chef competition cooking TV shows make you believe that these cooking failures should go straight into the trash can. Sometimes, there really is no...

Recipe Fail ~ Chicken with Jelly

Nowadays, all it takes to come up with new recipe ideas for dinner is turning on your computer. You can find recipes all over the internet. They are on recipes sites, blogger sites (including this one) and Pinterest. Most of the time I am thrilled with the recipes I...

How to Make Your Cupcakes Look Store Bought

Anyone who has watched any food reality TV shows knows that presentation is just as important as how the food tastes since we first taste with our eyes before our mouth. This couldn't be more true with cupcakes. Great vs Plain Cupcake Presentation: A quick search on...

4 Grocery Products I Can’t Live Without

Ok, maybe stating that I can't live without these 4 grocery products is a bit strong. But I make sure I never run out of any of these items. Each tops the list of things in the grocery store that I would really miss if they were ever discontinued, but I bet most...

Authentic Belize Recipes

Like most people, when I travel I'm on the lookout for a couple of souvenirs. On my trip to Belize, every store I went into had a paperback book Silly Bug and Bittle Recipes, published by the Crooked Tree Women's Group. The cookbook included the history of this...

Discovering a New Ice Cream Favorite

I love ice cream. I grew up on eating ice cream for dessert most nights. There were always a couple of cartons of ice cream in the freezer. A few times each summer, my parents would pile us all into a car and drive us to Swenson's where we could each pick out a single...

7 Healthy Foods You Should be Eating

One of the advantages of blogging about getting healthier is that it isn't as easy to cheat when you've told the world what you are going to do. I think that's a good thing. It also means that friends send me articles like this one from the Huffington Post talking...

4 Food Lists for Losing Weight

Last month I was working from home one day and turned on the TV for some background noise. Flipping through the channels. I stopped on Dr. Oz talking to Chef Alton Brown. An avid Food Network fan, I had no idea that Alton Brown, star of The Next Iron Chef and Good...