Honey Roasted Vidalia Onions
Do you like Vidalia sweet onions? I do. Even so, I was surprised when this recipe received all 5 star reviews when I posted it awhile ago on another recipe website that I know longer use. I'm moving my most popular recipes from that website here. Which means I'm...
read moreAvocado and Egg Salad Open Faced Sandwich
When I was a kid, my mom would make open faced tuna salad, tomato with a slice of American cheese broiled on an English muffin. Since I didn't like tuna salad or tomatoes, she always made me an egg salad & cheese. My adult taste buds have evolved, and I modified the...
read moreOven Roasted Boneless Turkey
Oven Roasted Boneless Turkey Ingredients: 1.5 lbs boneless/skinless turkey (breasts or tenderloin)1 tablespoon oil (I used corn oil)3 cloves fresh garlic, minced1/2 teaspoon sea salt1/2 teaspoon pepper1/2 teaspoon oregano, dried 1/2 teaspoon whole thyme, dried 1/2...
read moreeBay:
Stocking Up on eBay
Given the news lately, it's inevitable that people will start stocking up on things that they use up regularly. Since people recently lived through store shelves being empty due to COVID fears, I wouldn't be surprised it if will happen again. I just bought another...
read moreTravel:
Exploring St. Louis: Historic Kimmswick
A few months ago, I realized that an errand was going to land me about 10 minutes away from Kimmswick, MO, so I decided to turn it into an opportunity to visit this historic town for the first time. Kimmswick is only 1/4 square mile just south of the St. Louis...
read moreLessons from My 4000 Mile Road Trip: Meal Tips for Traveling with Dogs
Traveling with your dog can be a lot of fun, but it's important to be prepared for the challenges you will face. While locating dog friendly hotels was the first thing I focused on when I planned my 4,000 mile road trip across 9 states earlier this year, I discovered...
read moreLessons from My 4000 Mile Road Trip: Hotel Tips for Traveling with Dogs
Before you pack up your car for an overnight road trip with your dog, you need to carefully consider the hotel where you will stay. Will the hotel allow my dog to stay with me? Where will my dog go to the bathroom? What will I do if my dog barks at night? These are...
read moreEverything Else:
11 Easy Passover Recipes
I'm the first to admit that I don't keep Passover dietary laws strictly, so feel free to edit these recipes if needed. I'm guessing that for a lot of Jews, this will be the first Passover that they are doing much cooking themselves. If that's you, then just do your...
read more10 Easy Dinner Recipes: COVID-19 Stay at Home Cooking
Are you finding yourself cooking at home during the COVID-19 Stay at Home quarantine? Maybe you never really did much cooking in the past and now are trying to figure out how to feed your family 3 times a day. If you are like me, you are worried about money too. I'm a...
read moreCooking Again
In this new era of COVID-19, restaurant dining rooms are closed and many people are out of work. Everyone around the world should be concerned about how long this will last and how long their savings will last. I predict that in a COVID-19 world, cooking will make a...
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