Disclaimer & Legal Stuff

Everything published on this site is original content and is purely the opinion of the author. Efforts are made to provide factual information to help readers, but no information is guaranteed. I might not remember or understand all of the details important to you, or products or services may have changed.

Before using the information about other services, hotels, etc, you are advised to thoroughly investigate the business for yourself rather than relying on the recommendations found on Future Expat.

We encourage you to use the information in this site as a starting point but check out everything for yourself so you don’t have any surprises.


This website contains paid advertising through affiliate links, sponsorships and advertisements. All articles or content pages with affiliate links or sponsorships will have disclosures that link to this advertising policy.

Affiliate links with be identified in rollover text. If you hover over the link, you’ll see it is an affiliate link.

Sponsored articles may be compensated through payment, product or both. All sponsored articles will be identified at the end of the post with a link to this page.

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Ads will also be placed throughout the website in the header, footer and sidebar. These ads may or may not be identified as ads but will direct users to other websites. You can assume that any image that is not in the content area of articles or informational pages and links to an outside website is paid advertising.

While I don’t guarantee that I use all of the products being promoted via sponsored posts, affiliate links or prepaid advertisements, nothing will be advertised that does not appear to be a quality product or service which will benefit readers. The expressed opinions of complimentary products or sponsored posts are the true opinions of the author.

I won’t be giving out good reviews simply because someone gave me something for free or paid me. Of course, it will be clearly identified if a reviewed product was given to me at no or reduced cost.

This site does display ads through the use of ad networks such as Google Adsense. I have no control over the ads you will see that are presented by these networks. Normally, they will be related to your browsing history rather than the content of this site.

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This site does track your information including your IP address, where you are from, what you click on and what type of device you are using through the use of outside services (currently Google Analytics and Clicky). For some users, the analytics sites can also identify your age and gender.

We have no way of identifying who you actually are. The information we obtain is used to improve the site for visitors, to let advertisers know who our audience is and their behavior on the site.

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All of our newsletters and email campaigns are OPT-IN only. You may occasionally receive an email to inform you of something we think you might want to know, such as a new giveaway if you have previously entered out giveaways.

We will store the information you provide to us in a secure database or email newsletter service so we can keep in touch.

Photo Credits & Copyright:

Almost every picture you see on this website was taken by Karen Goodman or someone that Karen handed her camera to so she could be in a shot.

On the rare occasion that a picture was taken by someone else, a photo credit will be noted in the article,  or in the picture rollover hover text or properties (right click on the picture to see the properties). Once in a while, there may be a royalty free stock photo with no attribution.

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You do NOT have permission to copy any written content other than small sections of an article. If you use any portion of the written content found on this site, you are required to identify the source as Future Expat and link to this site.

By the way, copying the content of an article or page and then making minor changes that don’t change the format or message is plagiarism and illegal. If you want to use the information you find here, either quote small sections and link back as noted above or use the content as inspiration and rewrite it in your own words.

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