Rescuing Frankie from Animal Control

Matted dog at Animal Control

I recently got involved with a brand new dog rescue group in the St. Louis area, Needy Paws Rescue.

While I enjoyed fostering and volunteering with Gateway Pet Guardians, Needy Paws Rescue made me an offer that allows me to do so much more. I am one of the Needy Paws rescuers and foster coordinators, and I get to work with St. Louis County Animal Care & Control to identify dogs that we can save.

Every dog is memorable, but there is something about that first dog you rescue that forever stays with you.

In Frankie’s case, the transformation simply can’t be put into words. You have to see the pictures for yourself.

Frankie isn’t the first dog that Needy Paws rescued, but he is the first dog we pulled from St. Louis County Animal Control. He will forever hold a special place in my heart.

All that is holding us back from rescuing more dogs is having foster homes to care for them and monetary donations to pay for their care. If you live in the St. Louis region and would like to help, please visit Needy Paws Rescue and sign up to be a foster parent, temporary/emergency foster parent or volunteer.

Don’t live in St. Louis or simply can’t volunteer? Make a donation…every dollar makes a difference.